This is definitely not something you think too much about when you decide to LOCK. You just want the LOOK. I’ve been there.

We could describe them as strands of hair intentionally clumped together into a ropey “permanent” look.

Well, not to give you an essay on locks, but there is nothing permanent about them. Our body cells keep changing every day, and ALL OVER. Locks are no exception.

Throughout my experience in dealing with locks, I came to the realisation of their level of complexity, and the necessity of an in-depth understanding that would be beneficial to their maintenance.

‘’Installing’’ is just a starting point, not the end result. There NEVER is a final point that states a permanency of the hairstyle.

“MAINTENANCE’’ is the most important key factor that determine the state of the hairstyle.

Dealing with NATURE made me realise how incredibly important it is to have the ability to carefully work with it and keep a consistency that promote a positive result.

My interest lies more in studying the characteristics of this matting texture we are encouraging our hair to be in, and in what effect it can have on the scalp.

Maintain the locks and the look will take care of itself.


‘’Maintenance is key success to a Healthy Full Locks”.