About - Healthful First


My work is a Labour of Love born of years of experience

working on amazing people with amazing hair textures

It’s SOOO… easy to achieve… with just a little bit of dedication and patience.

Like Plants, your Locks need nurturing to bloom, flourish, and thrive in vigour. Like your skin, they are also a reflection of your wellbeing and they are constantly speaking to you, telling you what they need or don’t need, by showing little symptoms that can help you determine the right solution.

Whatever the type of locks that complement your way of life, they all require the same general caring instructions:

The right nutrition packed with the right Vitamins and Minerals, the right manipulation of the hair fibres, the right moisture, the right environment…

It’s a matter of knowing what to watch, what to listen to and…of talking to them (why not?).

This is your guide and my support for a wonderful journey of wearing one of the greatest representations of a natural hair art.