Drinking alcohol can make you feel wonderful, and on top of the world. But drinking to excess can damage your liver; the chemical reaction can strip off its cells long term, making you weak and aged.

If you are wondering, what alcohol has to do with locks?

Well, that’s exactly how I visualise locks reacting to colour, especially when it is a DIY job.

Excessive colouring can gradually make your locks shrink and weaken. The chemical reaction attacks the elasticity of your natural strands cancelling out their bounciness, resulting in a dull flat and tired looking mane.

Just like alcohol, colour can be addictive too. Life without it feels dull.

I am not the killjoy saying there is no room for colouring. But there is a right way to go about it. Don’t go DIY. You have invested time and money into your locks to get them where they are. Maintain that spirit. Invest in a good colourist who has an awareness of the health of hair, the chemistry and who can make your locks look natural and less harsh to the touch.


‘’Preserving your natural elasticity for the bounce’’.