One of the most important advices I would give to anyone wearing smaller locks, especially the beginners, is to LEAVE THEM ALONE.

I get it, you have a vision of what you want your hair to look like…now. You are excited! You style them, you touch them, you spritz them, you colour them…

Leave them alone!

Don’t stress over them. Let them do their own thing. Be patient with them and with yourself. Enjoy the journey.  Let your loctitian do the hard work. Your part is simple:

Before bed, place them into the position you want them to fall,

and cover them with a silk scarf to retain moisture.

The next morning, just a little joshing will do, to lift them up, and off you go about your business.

Equip yourself with a fine mist spritz, filled with filtered water, or steam water with drops of your favourite essential oil to keep the bugs at bay. Trust me catching lice can happen to the cleanest scalp; they enjoy sucking on clean too, and I don’t blame them.


From time to time, a little oil along the length won’t do any harm to maintain moisture, especially in the mature stage, when your natural oil supply cannot travel all the way to the tips. The longer your locks, the dryer they can become, although this depends as usual on the person unique built (let’s agree that the same rule cannot be applied to everyone).Don’t overdo it though, start small, build up on it to find the right balance.

Go mild with your shampoo, make sure its Ph-level (acidity) is between 5 and 7.  If you are a bit on the fussy side, there are strips sold on Amazon that would help you to be more accurate for your peace of mind. I personally just mix my shampoo with water. That means less foam but keep in mind that it is not the foam that make your hair clean. Also, diluting saves me from the bad surprise of an empty bottle when the water is already running through your locks, excited about that good wash you were yearning for.

And enjoy watching them blossom.


“the right practices for growth and fullness’’.